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Journal of Contemporary Social Science and Education

ISSN Print: 2788-9939
ISSN Online: 2788-9947
Journal DOI:
Digital Archiving: Internet Archive, Zenodo
Indexed in: OpenAIRE
E-mail: editor[at]gmpjournals[dot]com
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Sanitation Systems In Use In Mlolongo Sub County Machakos County, 2017

By: Victoria Ndanu Samson

Lessons Learnt Through COVID-19 Pandemic in Kenya

By: Moses Kamita, Gerald Githinji, Prudence Kunyangna, and Emma Kibiro

Curbing Doctoral Students' Dilemma in the Supervision Process: A Literature Review

By: Dr. Felicity W. Githinji

Implementing Change in The Teamwork Process by Applying Lewin's Model

By: Alfred K. Githinji

Detection of Aflatoxins from Maize Samples Using Ferric Chloride

By: Eugine Mukhaye

Estimation of Total Phenolic and Flavanoid Contents in Leaf Extracts of Selected Kenyan Anti-obesity Medicinal Plants and Their Antioxidant Activities

By: Evans Omwango, Prof. Justus Onguso, Prof. John Onchora and Dr. Peter Kirira

Assessment of Knowledge Management Practises in Reducing Knowledge Loss in Devolved Governments of Kenya: A Case of The County Government of Embu

By: Lawrence Odhiambo Aloo, David Kipchirchir Lagat, Abudo Dambala, Rachael Nyokabi, Lucy Gichira, Kaliba Morris Kinyua, Doris Nzambi Mulwa, Penina Musyoka, Mary Gatwiri and Barasa Odula Elias

Factors Influencing Compliance to Procurement Laws and Regulations in County Governments: A Case of Embu County

By: Mary Anyango Onyango, Mary Anne Waithira Kiguta, Agnes Wangui Wambugu, Ann Muange, Gladys Mkabane Mbuno, James Adouh Barasa, Joseph Nyerere

Socio-Cultural Factors Affecting Food Security and Nutrition in Kenya: A Case of Embu West Sub County, Embu County

By: Stephen Akuma Aricha, Gerald Gikonyo Githinji, Paul Onyango Owaga, Tobias Julias Okello, Harrison Otieno Ouma, Samuel Lubanga Oronje, Joyce Wambui Njongoro, Phylis Jepchirchir Tobosei, Samuel Ndungu Kungu, Noballa Edwin Anyanga and Laban Musundi

Activities used by Secondary School Teachers to Address the Menace of Drug and Substance Abuse in Kenya

By: Rono, Richard; Kimengi, Isaac N.; Githinji, Felicity W.

Published Books

101 Effective Ways of Mentoring Teens In The 21st Century




This book lists and explains different ways parents/guardians or care givers can use to mentor their teens. This book has been designed in an easy to read and apply the concepts learned. The principles in this book can also be used to mentor children of other ages too.

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Journal Info

  1. ISSN Print: 2788-9939
  2. ISSN Online: 2788-9947
  3. Journal DOI:
  4. Digital Archiving: Internet Archive, Zenodo


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