Implementing Change in The Teamwork Process by Applying Lewin's Model
Journal of Contemporary Social Sciences and Education
Published : 2023-03-13
Page Views: 1310Article Tools
Author: Alfred K. Githinji
Kenyan managers are bracing themselves for hard times ahead of changes in the business environment due to new ways of working such as working from home, growth in internet marketing, and financial constraints in budgets. This thus would lead to some of the companies changing their business models and sadly others doing retrenchments as ways of cost-cutting. By ensuring that all team members are engaged and comfortable with the new process, the evaluation criteria include having the manager ensure that all team members are involved throughout the process. This can be done by providing regular updates to the team, as well as allowing time for questions and feedback. The plan of action includes implementing change by use of Lewin's Model for change which suggests change takes place in a three-stage process; “ unfreezing state, Change itself and refreezing.”
Keywords: Lewin's Model, unfreezing state, change itself, and refreezing.
Githinji, Alfred. K. (2023). Implementing Change in The Teamwork Process by Applying Lewin's Model. Journal of Contemporary Social Sciences and Education, 3(1), 1 ‐ 4.