Assessment of Knowledge Management Practises in Reducing Knowledge Loss in Devolved Governments of Kenya: A Case of The County Government of Embu

Journal of Contemporary Social Sciences and Education

Published : 2021-06-16


Page Views: 441

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Author: Lawrence Odhiambo Aloo, David Kipchirchir Lagat, Abudo Dambala, Rachael Nyokabi, Lucy Gichira, Kaliba Morris Kinyua, Doris Nzambi Mulwa, Penina Musyoka, Mary Gatwiri and Barasa Odula Elias


Knowledge Management (KM) is a relatively new and dynamic branch of management within the domain of knowledge. Its objective is to achieve breakthroughs in business performance using the synergy of people, processes, and technology. It is meant to utilize individual expertise to get maximum returns for an organization. Researchers and practitioners have already stated that KM should be an integral part of business strategy in order to out-manage the competition. The general objective of this study was to examine how KM practices can reduce knowledge loss in the County Government of Embu. Its specific objective was to examine whether records management reduces knowledge loss risk. The study used a descriptive survey which is a method of collecting information by interviewing or administering questionnaires to a sample of individuals. The questionnaires were administered to a sample of 42 staff drawn from all the 10 departments based at the County headquarters. Stratified random sampling procedures were applied for this study to overcome the problem of skewed sampling associated with purposive methods where employees from some departments are over-represented while others are underrepresented. The study concluded that good record management practices can help in reducing knowledge loss risk in the County. The study recommends that the County Government should avail enough resources for the purchase of modern equipment for the storage and management of records.

Keywords: Knowledge Management, Knowledge Loss, Embu, Records Management, Digitization


Aloo, Lawrence, O., Lagat, David, K., Dambala, Abudo, Nyokabi, Rachael, Gichira, Lucy, Kaliba, Morris, K., Mulwa, Doris, N., Musyoka, Penina, Gatwiri, Mary, & Barasa, Elias, O. (2021). Assessment of Knowledge Management Practises in Reducing Knowledge Loss in Devolved Governments of Kenya: A Case of The County Government of Embu. Journal of Contemporary Social Science and Education, 2(1), 35‐54.

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