Socio-Cultural Factors Affecting Food Security and Nutrition in Kenya: A Case of Embu West Sub County, Embu County

Journal of Contemporary Social Sciences and Education

Published : 2021-03-05


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Author: Stephen Akuma Aricha, Gerald Gikonyo Githinji, Paul Onyango Owaga, Tobias Julias Okello, Harrison Otieno Ouma, Samuel Lubanga Oronje, Joyce Wambui Njongoro, Phylis Jepchirchir Tobosei, Samuel Ndungu Kungu, Noballa Edwin Anyanga and Laban Musundi


Globally, food is the most basic of all human needs. However, FAO fears that global progress in reducing hunger has slowed and leveled off. In Africa, causes of food insecurity and malnutrition are multi-factorial and interlinked. World health organization asserts that the global food price crisis threatens public health and jeopardizes the health of the most disadvantaged groups. Over 80 percent of the households in the county depend on rain-fed agriculture and related activities to achieve food security. Only about 60% of the Kenyan population can be said to be currently food secure. Embu West Sub County has experienced a fall in food production which is a risk of hunger and malnutrition. Therefore, the study was interested in investigating how the socio-cultural factors affect food security and nutrition in Embu West Sub County. This will inform policy formulation in Embu County and Kenya as a whole. The study used a qualitative research design. A purposive sampling technique was used to select the study subjects. Interview schedules were used to collect data. The study found that Khat chewing, alcohol uptake, and FGM had a negative impact on food security and nutrition. The study recommends awareness creation on the effects of chewing Khat, alcohol uptake, and FGM in Embu West Sub County.

Keywords: social, cultural, food security, nutrition, Embu


Aricha, Stephen, A, Githinji, Gerald, G., Owaga, Paul. O, Okello, Julias, T., Ouma, Harrison, O., Njongoro, Joyce, W., Tobosei, Phylis, J., Kungu, Samuel, N., Oronje, Samuel, L., Anyanga, Edwin, N., & Musundi, Laban. (2021). Socio-Cultural Factors Affecting Food Security and Nutrition in Kenya: A Case of Embu West Sub County, Embu County. Journal of Contemporary Social Science and Education, 2(1), 15 ‐ 22.

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