Sanitation Systems In Use In Mlolongo Sub County Machakos County, 2017
Journal of Contemporary Social Sciences and Education
Published : 2024-05-24
Page Views: 619Article Tools
Author: Victoria Ndanu Samson
Sanitation and community health are an integral part of the National Development Strategy. Everybody is entitled to adequate, safe, accessible, non-discriminatory sanitation which meets the laid down standards that protect public health and the environment. The responsibility of meeting these rights falls upon National and County governments who provide legislation, policies, strategies, rules, and regulations on sanitation. Standards are measures used to ensure everybody has equal access to safe and adequate sanitation. Disposal of waste without adhering to sanitation standards for waste management leads to environmental degradation and pollution of ground and surface water sources, spreading waterborne diseases. Meeting the UN Millennium Development Goal of halving the percentage of people without access to improved sanitation by 2015 has not been achieved because even where sanitation systems exist, they are not operational due to lack of institutional capacity, inadequate water supply service level, overpopulation, and unsuitable hydro-geological conditions. The objective of the study was to assess the sanitation systems in use in Mlolongo Sub County Machakos County. The research sampled a population of 200 respondents from a baseline survey using cluster sampling. The tools used for data collection included key informant interviewing, questionnaires, participant observation, and desktop research. The results showed the separation distances of facilities (pit latrine and septic tanks) and buildings are lower than 3m and 1.5m respectively. The facilities used in the Mlolongo area are conservancy tanks, septic tanks without soakaways, ventilated improved pit latrines, and simple pit latrines. There is no sewer line in Mlolongo. The existing sanitation facilities face problems including; inadequate maintenance, hydrogeological conditions, unattainable technological options, lack of a wastewater treatment site, and lack of sanitation promotion programmes.
Samson, V. N. (2024). Sanitation Systems In Use In Mlolongo Sub County Machakos County, 2017. Journal of Contemporary Social Sciences and Education, Volume 4, No. 1, P. 1 - 16.