GMP journals is calling for papers and articles for the current issue. Conference papers and articles are also accepted.

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Aims and Scope of GMP Journals

Peer-reviewed, original research and review articles are published under open access in GMP journals.

GMP journals accept multidisciplinary articles committed to promoting research in the fields of humanities and social sciences, education science and technology, medicine, and engineering among others.

The goal of GMP journals is to become the top publishing journal in the world.

Each article's research methodology is assessed by the journal for validity before it is accepted, and publications are only accepted based on the research. Similarly, GMP Journals make it easier to find connections between publications by not limiting them to a certain topic, either inside or between disciplines.

GMP Journals provides writers with a continuous publication style and worldwide distribution for their research. To assure quality, each article is carefully copyedited and typeset. The following individuals should submit to GMP Journals:

  • Authors that desire rapid production and high-quality reviews for their works.
  • Authors who seek a strong, highly discoverable publishing platform to distribute their articles for free, broadly, and internationally.
  • Authors that desire a top publisher in their field of study and promote their works.
  • Authors who are required by their universities or the governments to make their articles open access.

Archival Policy

For digital preservation, the articles in these journals are continuously archived in several archiving agencies including the Internet Archive.

Authors can deposit all paper versions (Preprint, Author's Accepted Manuscript, and Published articles) in any institutional or subject repository.

Latest Articles

Sanitation Systems In Use In Mlolongo Sub County Machakos County, 2017

By: Victoria Ndanu Samson

Lessons Learnt Through COVID-19 Pandemic in Kenya

By: Moses Kamita, Gerald Githinji, Prudence Kunyangna, and Emma Kibiro

Curbing Doctoral Students' Dilemma in the Supervision Process: A Literature Review

By: Dr. Felicity W. Githinji

Implementing Change in The Teamwork Process by Applying Lewin's Model

By: Alfred K. Githinji

Detection of Aflatoxins from Maize Samples Using Ferric Chloride

By: Eugine Mukhaye

Estimation of Total Phenolic and Flavanoid Contents in Leaf Extracts of Selected Kenyan Anti-obesity Medicinal Plants and Their Antioxidant Activities

By: Evans Omwango, Prof. Justus Onguso, Prof. John Onchora and Dr. Peter Kirira

Assessment of Knowledge Management Practises in Reducing Knowledge Loss in Devolved Governments of Kenya: A Case of The County Government of Embu

By: Lawrence Odhiambo Aloo, David Kipchirchir Lagat, Abudo Dambala, Rachael Nyokabi, Lucy Gichira, Kaliba Morris Kinyua, Doris Nzambi Mulwa, Penina Musyoka, Mary Gatwiri and Barasa Odula Elias

About Us

GMP Journals is an open–access journal that accepts multidisciplinary articles committed to promoting research in the fields of humanities and social sciences, education, science and technology among others. It encourages scientific research by publishing the researched outcome in vast areas through the open-access model. It is aimed at the development and rapid dissemination of scientific knowledge to the global community without any restrictions.

Journal Info

  1. ISSN Print: 2788-9939
  2. ISSN Online: 2788-9947
  3. Journal DOI:
  4. Digital Archiving: Internet Archive, Zenodo


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For Authors

  1. Article Sample
  2. Call for Papers
  3. Guidelines
  4. Peer Review

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Journals distribution is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.